Just the thought of your 80-year-old mother or father taking a tumble makes you really wince, doesn’t it? Or, for that matter—what if that 80-year-old person is you? The idea of falling is certainly not a pleasant thought. The good news is you can help prevent many falls with a few simple changes. Here’s what you can do for yourself or the elder in your family.
See the doctor
If you’ve had a fall:
Address house hazards
Six out of 10 falls happen at home3—and accidents in the home account for about one-third all injuries in seniors.4 Making simple changes around the house can greatly reduce the risk of falls:
Add assistive devices
You’ll find some of the following devices in our store.
Has a loved one taken a fall, but has trouble taking safety advice from you? Or, are you the one who’s fallen, and you’re feeling as though your family is a little overbearing? The doctor may suggest having a home health nurse or occupational therapist pay a visit to assess the situation.3 Sometimes it’s easier to hear advice from an unbiased observer.
Just remember: taking steps to prevent falls cannot only prevent falls. It also improves the chances of staying independent as you grow older.
Nothing herein constitutes medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or is a substitute for professional advice. You should always seek the advice of your physician or other medical professional if you have questions or concerns about a medical condition.
1. Mayo Clinic: “Fall prevention: 6 tips to prevent falls.” Available at: http://www.mayoclinic.com/print/fall-prevention/HQ00657/METHOD=print Accessed March 7, 2013.
2. Best of the Web Senior Housing: “Senior-Proofing Your or Your Parent’s Home.” Available at: http://seniorhousing.botw.org/senior-proofing-the-home/ Accessed March 7, 2013.
3. NIH Senior Health: “Fall Proofing Your Home.” Available at: http://nihseniorhealth.gov/falls/homesafety/01.html Accessed March 7, 2013.
4. Dr. Marion: “‘Elder Proofing’ Your Home.” Available at: http://drmarion.com/news/elder_proofing_your_home Accessed March 7, 2013.